Are you carrying extra weight? Let me know if you can you relate to any of these statements: -You weigh yourself regularly and your day is either good or bad, depending on the number on the scale. -You avoid weighing yourself altogether because you fear seeing the result -You have a drawer filled with smaller clothes you’d like to wear again in the future (and you keep them, just in case) -You know that one day you will lose the weight; you’re just waiting for the right time -You have already tried several diets or weight loss programs -You are secretly waiting to find a new method or miracle pill to lose that extra weight -You've read and learnt so much about weight loss and diets that you know exactly what to do - but you feel discouraged just thinking about it -You know it doesn't define who you are, but sometimes you feel bad about still being overweight after all those years and all the weight loss attempts. -At times, you decide to accept yourself the way you are, but deep down you are not convinced and you would still like to change -You wonder how your excess weight can affect your health (or maybe it is clear to you that your excess weight already affects your health in a negative way - for example by increasing the risk of type 2 diabetes, inflammation, painful joints, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease) -You experience negative self talk, things that you would never tell your own daughter or best friend about their body -Do you have anything to add to this list?
Many women share these things with me. They are intelligent, educated, extraordinary mothers, they play important roles in society and are successful in their relationships, but yet they suffer from their body image and/or from the excess weight affecting their health. Several factors can lead to being overweight and feeling that way. They are different for each person, and could be linked to our culture, our habits, our family of origin, our tastes and preferences, our past experiences, our relationship with food, our interpersonal relationships, etc.
In our society, food that is clearly unsuitable for our nutritional needs is easily accessible. You know, the type of food that has too many calories, too much fat, too much sugar and not enough fiber. That (junk) food is designed, engineered to make us addicted to it, sponsored by large food companies that seek profits at the expense of our health. When we consume this type of food in excess, because we’re hungry, bored or trying to fill an emotional void, we accumulate the unwanted pounds. Then begins the cycle of dieting, the search for easy solutions, and the negative self-talk. The more you lose weight, the more you regain it, the harder it becomes to lose. And approaching menopause doesn’t help, when women see their hormones being all over the place.
I see you, I hear you. Often what is missing is not a revolutionary method but it is a strategy backed up by human support, someone to talk to, the willingness to make the time to do what it takes to achieve a sustainable transformation, and someone to keep you accountable. When this happens, we can transform our habits, our lifestyle, our body and our mindset. We do it for ourselves first, but also for our loved ones.
My mailbox is open. If you can relate to what you just read, and if you’re ready for a change. If you want to feel better in your body, in your mind, if you want to feel confident that you are doing the best for your health, I invite you to take that first step, for yourself. No judgement, only compassion and understanding.
Message me, let’s get on a call, and see where this takes you.