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BLOG from Emmanuelle Burelli Coaching

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What to eat on a Plant-Based Diet?

NO, it doesn't have to be boring! YES, it it tasty!! YES, you can do it too! Today's menu: Breakfast: maple syrup crepes made with...

What to eat on a Plant-Based Diet ?

Here is a menu for a day! Need support to start eating better? Send me a message!

The future is Plant-Based!

I hear it more and more : The future is Plant-Based! And that makes me hopeful and so happy that people are realizing it. For their...

Buddha Bowl

One of the easiest way to feed the family a quick healthy meal is to make a plant-based Buddha Bowl. This one has a sweet potato (cooked...

An Easy Formula

A quick and easy formula for plant-based meals: a GRAIN, a GREEN and a BEAN. I heard it years ago from Matt Frazier, the Ultra Runner...

I hated cooking !

A few years ago, I considered cooking a chore. A necessity, yes, but a waste of my precious time as a busy mom. Now that I am...

About Family

“Are your children Plant-Based?” People often ask this question when they meet me. The answer is… yes and no. At almost 15, my daughter...

I used to be tired

I used to be tired. All the time. And my jeans were becoming tighter and tighter. It was hard to get up in the morning, and I had to take...

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