Emmanuelle BurelliJan 25, 20222 min readBanana Bread recipeHere is a plant-based banana bread recipe that is super yummy and that you can use for snacks and desserts. It's naturally sweetened by...
Emmanuelle BurelliJan 3, 20221 min readTaco night!I can't believe I haven't shared this Plant-Based taco "meat" recipe! It is made with finely chopped cauliflower and walnuts, roasted in...
Emmanuelle BurelliJan 2, 20222 min readAre you in charge?What an empowering feeling to know that you are in charge of your own health! It is well studied that most chronic diseases are caused by...
Emmanuelle BurelliDec 6, 20211 min readHow I became a Plant-Based Health CoachThis is my son Ysen (short for Ysengrin). He’s a very compassionate, 15-year-old boy, and if there is a Vegan Police, he is an active...
Emmanuelle BurelliDec 2, 20213 min readAbout Weight LossWhen women talk to me about their health, weight loss is oftentimes a topic that comes up and it can bring up some strong emotions....
Emmanuelle BurelliFeb 19, 20201 min readGood health starts in our plate! Here is a Plant-Based menu for a day: Breakfast: steel cut oatmeal cooked in the Instant Pot with apples, blueberries, cinnamon and...
Emmanuelle BurelliJan 30, 20201 min readNeed some inspiration to eat more plants?With the right kind of food coming from whole plants, you will get tons of energy to tackle any day, a feeling of satiety and...
Emmanuelle BurelliJan 25, 20201 min readWhat to eat on a Plant-Based Diet?NO, it doesn't have to be boring! YES, it it tasty!! YES, you can do it too! Today's menu: Breakfast: maple syrup crepes made with...
Emmanuelle BurelliJan 19, 20201 min readWhat to eat on a Plant-Based Diet ?Here is a menu for a day! Need support to start eating better? Send me a message! www.emmanuelleburelli.com
Emmanuelle BurelliOct 6, 20191 min readThe future is Plant-Based!I hear it more and more : The future is Plant-Based! And that makes me hopeful and so happy that people are realizing it. For their...
Emmanuelle BurelliAug 5, 20191 min readBuddha BowlOne of the easiest way to feed the family a quick healthy meal is to make a plant-based Buddha Bowl. This one has a sweet potato (cooked...
Emmanuelle BurelliMar 11, 20191 min readAn Easy FormulaA quick and easy formula for plant-based meals: a GRAIN, a GREEN and a BEAN. I heard it years ago from Matt Frazier, the Ultra Runner...
Emmanuelle BurelliMar 2, 20191 min readI hated cooking !A few years ago, I considered cooking a chore. A necessity, yes, but a waste of my precious time as a busy mom. Now that I am...
Emmanuelle BurelliFeb 25, 20191 min readAbout Family“Are your children Plant-Based?” People often ask this question when they meet me. The answer is… yes and no. At almost 15, my daughter...
Emmanuelle BurelliFeb 23, 20192 min readI used to be tiredI used to be tired. All the time. And my jeans were becoming tighter and tighter. It was hard to get up in the morning, and I had to take...